Monday, May 11, 2009

three plane meals, two security checks, and one cab ride to the beautiful destination

I'm here! I thought since I have so much to say that I'd write it in bullets. So here it goes:

Leaving Home:
Saturday was busy. Mom served breakfast at 10am. It was an awesome meal. It was waffles (she makes the best ever!!) with all different types of fruit served with orange juice! Mom's the bomb!
The lovely Janet told me at my last supper in the US (which was located at good ole' Taco Mac) that Croatia has a large sex slave industry. ugh, and I leave tomorrow! Instantly I wanted to get pepper spray. So, saturday we searched for one at walmart and the gun store, and finally we found one at some sort of sporting goods store! Apparently there is a great need for pepper spray, so if you need some (ever) keep in mind its a hot item! 
After spending the day doing some final packing and eating left overs, I said goodbye to cory. Mom and I finalized everything and went to the store ONE MORE time before leaving for the airport. I think the weirdest part was when I was saying goodbye to mom, we didn't cry. It was when I left her to go through security when we both started crying. Aw, I was going to miss her!

The Plane
The plane ride was nice to Paris. I didn't have too much cabin fever. There were a couple of times when I would get up to go to the bathroom for no reason. I'd just stand in there thinking "man this is a really cramped space" or "if there was any problem on the plane, I could just run into here!" 
The weirdest thing about the flight was I sat next to UGA students going to Morocco for a different study abroad! Weird huh? I was so glad I wasn't stuck next to some obese french man who didn't wear deodorant and had skanky breath. Maybe my stero type of the french is a little extreme, but I was happy to know it was a student that kept to her own space.
The best part of the plane ride was the food! OH MAN! They kept feeding us and feeding us and feeding us! I had two meals in between the times 6pm when the plane took off to 1am when the plane landed! Not to mention the snacks they gave us, and that was only the first flight! So if I wasn't already going to gain 10lbs on the trip, they confirm the extra lbs on the plane ride!
It really wasn't a bad ride! I slept for most of it.

Security in Paris
I can't decide if it was terrible or really good. I guess it was just really inefficient. The workers were taking peoples bags to put on the conveyer belt and specifically checking each person before they walked under the metal detector. Then they checked them again if there was a beep when walking through the metal detector. There were maybe 10 people in front of me and it took an abnormally long amount of time to get through! I also felt like there were a lot of workers standing around. With all of that said, at least they checked everyone. Mom walked through the security in Atlanta right after september 11th with a pocket knife. Scary huh?

The hotel is a cute little hotel. Someone read in a book on Croatia that it was a rough looking hotel on the outside, but nice on the inside. I'd say that description fits it well! As soon as I got to the hotel I got the room key, found my room, and passed out. Not more than 3 hrs later I wake up to the phone ringing. Ugh, who on earth could be calling? Naturally, I ignored it and slowly woke up to take a shower. Once I got ready I went down stairs to figure out the internet situation, the man behind the counter said "you are ms rohan in 507?" Man he's good! :) He really only knew because my mother had already called the hotel three times wanting to chat! Oh my mother! You know, its nice having the staff of a hotel to remember your name, but not because your mother has called multiple times! Oh well, she was worried because she hadn't heard from me. What can you do?

Well I'm sleepy! Its almost 1am here and I've got an early morning ahead! 


Things Mom Can Have the Last Laugh On:
1. me not listening to her when she tried to explain the power converter
-I blew my converter and blowdryer within the first couple hours of being at the hotel.
2. me not wanting to use her vera bradley purse 
-Everyone is wearing purses just like it and it would have been annoying to carry my entire bookbag around for the day


  1. So did you figure out how to change the language on your blog to English?

  2. love the blog! Also, you should YouTube cobra starship featuring leighton meester. The song is called "good girls go bad." you'll like it!

  3. This is awesome. I've been writing a blog in Berlin, too -- I'm glad we'll both have awesome stories to share :)
