Friday, May 8, 2009

The first step of my Journey

Hello All!


I thought that since my trip to Croatia is going to be quite the adventure that I would document all parts of it including the weeks approaching my travels. I’m sure most of you know, but this will be my first time out of North America as an adult. I must say, I’m a little nervous. I have always wanted to travel to foreign exotic places. Ever since I can remember, I have ridden on a plane. It’s just a normal part of my life now days. In 2008, I flew to Texas for spring break, Texas in the summer, California in the summer, and one more time to Texas for Christmas.


For those of you who don’t know my family situation, here’s a rundown. My father lives in California (for work), my brother and sister-in-law live in California, my mom and I live in Georgia, and every other relative of mine lives in Texas (with the exception of a few). For the record, my mom and dad are NOT divorced. He comes home once or twice a month for 4 or 5 days at a time. He has more off time than any other business man I know!


If you can’t already tell, my family is spread out from one coast to another. Flying is just another mode of transportation to me. So, I’m not nervous about the flying part. Although I’ve heard the flight is going to be around 24hrs according to Chingy (my roommate.) I guess the nervousness comes from the thought of going to another country where I don’t know the language. This barrier makes me dependent on strangers who may or may not have pleasant intentions. Right before I found out about the trip I went to see “Taken.” If you are not aware of the plot, it’s about a girl who travels to another country and is taken to be sold for prostitution and her daddy saves her. Although I have every ounce of faith in my daddy coming to save me, he is no ex-spy (as the father was in the movie.) So the ending may turn out to be a little different for me. 

But who believe's the movies? I went through with the application process and got accepted. (YAY!!!!!)

I am so fortunate to have this opportunity. So, thank you mom and dad (and Nabil for calming dad’s nerves about the trip.)

Until next time,



  1. Hey Sweetie. This is great. I will be watching to hear about your trip. I am excited for you and hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. I love you.

  2. Hello Allison

    Your Mom called me today and what a lovely surprise that was!! I was so happy to hear from her that you are in such a great place. Croatia is a lovely part of the world. Rom and I sailed along the coast last year on a friend's boat, stopping off at various places on the way, and we just loved it. We had visited there many years before when we were posted in Warsaw. At that time Croatia was part of Yugoslavia and under the communist dictator, Tito. On this occasion, we got completely different vibes and we were lucky enough to able to spend a bit more time there to appreciate just how beautiful the coastline is and how warm its people are.

    Enjoy your time there.

    Susan in London x
